Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Thursday 23 April 2020

Ghana 61 Lock Down Over.....

Well whats changed.  Nothing as far as i can see. We are slowly rising up now 1154. But at the weekend the President removed the Lock-down sighting 'good' reasons that the numbers looked  better etc etc.

Seems the local Medical profession had different thoughts, didn't share his view but made theirs knows....... and they mentioned it might instead have something more to do with reopening parliament and the upcoming Presidential Elections.  Personally I cannot see a connection with letting people get on with their lives unrestricted and some upcoming election ?  Can you ?  I could of course be wrong.😍

I asked "Well whats changed?" For me not much if anything at all.  Still going into work same way and returning back home the trips take longer, more cars, but whats really noticeable in only the last few days is how the dust has risen and the place beginning already to feel a bit grubby. Amazing what a few days without cars did and how quickly we get back into our old habits. Will look back with nostalgia to the "good lock lock down days". Never know this might turnout to be true. Have less time now for Netflix  ........

Well whats changed in real terms.  For me directly. A lot. No flights so cannot get back to Thailand by end of May when my annual retirement/long stay visa runs out.  So I'll have to get a 30 tourist visa.  Then after that I cannot get me driving licence renewed. Might not sound much but dealing with authority I hate at the best of times, then add in the Thai administration factor and it turns into  an absolutely bloody nightmare senario...... Enough I've got myself resigned to it. Pissed off but resigned to it.

Only real activity this week has been building an aquaponics system, I know yet another one, this time for a colleague. Should be full of fish by Saturday. Hardly a life changing activity but... when not much else is on, you go for what you can. Bar B Q Tilapia is clearly a few months off.

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