Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Friday 3 April 2020

Ghana 53 Lock Down Day 5

TGIF means so more this time that usual.  This weird week sort of working, but not really achieving and no people and lot hand washing and temperature measuring and huddled conference calls keeping distance and wattsapps and more and more bitty things going on and on has been driving me crazy all the week.  Even me writing asentance is weird.......   A cold beer tonight is looking really good.....

As I say TGIF.

The roads till empty going in.

Couple more days of this and it will be total boredom on my side not seeing any cars or people around.
All changed on the way back. Fast ride all the way back to end of motorway.  Then a 30 minute blockage while one, yes correct one policeman vetted everyone. 

Anyone who should not have been there, mainly taxi's were turned round and the passengers left to walk the remaining 2-3 kilometers into town. And its hot. I mean about 30Deg+.

You've just got to love this virus.

Lets see what what weekend brings...

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