Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Monday, 25 May 2009


Sometime ago when in Karachi I watched a chap making Nan Bread. Posted it up on old Blog “Alan in Karachi”.

Well today I saw a similar thing with a chap making banana rotties. Called โรตีใส่กล้วยหอม in Thai. Pronounced "Rottie Sai Clua Hom", which roughly translated means "Rottie Banana with a sweet smell". So true.

Basically he took a banana and squashed it, making it almost into a paste. These bananas are of the short, sweet fatty type of banana. Very common in Thailand. The look and style of the paste is really not so different to making a flat pancake or indeed preparing the dough used in Nan bread. Having made the ‘dough’ he then rolls it out wafer thin. And I mean thin, almost paper thin. Adding a little oil as he goes along to encourage it to get thinner. This he then folds neatly into a square, and places it on a very hot cooking plate. Adds a little flavouring, well I assume its flavouring, as it an orange coloured dollop of what looks to me like marmalade. Then he stands back and waits till it gets slightly crispy. Exactly like a pancake. Take off the stove and top it off with a generous pouring of condensed milk and a sprinkle of sugar. This is then rolled up in paper, and eaten as you wander along the road. Wonderful. All for 10 Baht. Can’t beat it.

The funny part about it all for me was, having filmed the cooking and bought the pancake I passed it to Wanna more for me to film her eating it than for her to enjoy! I’d planned a sort of video with a start and a 'happy ending with a satisfied customer!!!

“I don’t like these….” was the only comment I got from Wanna. Not the answer expected when trying to close out a food video. However don’t believe her comment, it tasted real good. I know after her single bite, I finished the whole thing. Probably good job she did not like it after all.

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