Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Ghana 63 Lock Down Over

Time is flying by.  It's the only thing that is !!!!! Not seen  a plane for ages.

Keep looking the the Ghana Corona 19 results.  Stays the same for days then the numbers jump up by the hundreds. And then we also get the rumours circulating of big numbers appearing near our works.  Bit concerning. Next door 3 persons proved positive over the weekend and then a fish factory earlier had 58 persons positive. All within a few kilometres.

In the meantime the days are getting blurred one into the other. The work side of things is going slow and its very difficult to get action and progress.  For me that makes for very long days and is it now getting very monotonous.

As for life in Ghana, it's difficult to work out how the recommended social distancing is going.  Some places you see people sitting around all apart just looking at phones.  Others are wearing masks and gloves and looking to make a really big deal of it. And some, not a care in the world. Me, I find the middle route !! I sometimes wear a mask and sometimes not.  I have to put the mask on when entering some shops. That's my middle route !!!

There was a big issue in one of the northern towns couple of days back where about 28 market ladies were arrested for not doing social distancing.  Bit difficult to do when you are in a crowded market trying to sell food stuffs. Police chief was asked if the AK47 his men were using really was only firing rubber bullets and why the tear gas !!!!  All good fun and games.  Apparently The ladies got arrested and charged.  Those who could not meet bail were locked up. Took the local MP a few hours later, to get them all released. This was on the local radio but all a bit fuzzy the way it was reported. More seriously though it does sort of give you the feeling that there is an underlying frustration amongst the people trying just to survive.....  Makes me realize again how lucky and privileged I am. Till next time.

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