Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Ghana 50 Lock Down Day 2

49 posts and adding this the day before April fools day. Well I had almost given up writing and found myself just thinking one day I'll get back to it. Whow last couple of months been quire a roller coaster. And yet could not sum up the energy or interest to write.

What with work on go slow and now the Corona Virus.  I found myself  sitting with Wanna whats best, should she deciding to go home and stay with Mum and Dad and leave me here or wait and see what transpires. She made the right choice and left for home.  Two later airport was closed.  That was 2 weeks ago and now here i am at home. Well isolation in my Condo.  Ghana government passed a decree that starting 01.00 am this last on Monday morning no movement of people between districts etc. Not an absolute no go everywhere but good enough for me to want to stay in. Site work cancelled and its strange how you adapt. Genevieve already in lock-down in London, Simon my nephew caught the bug in Singapore and stayed for weeks in hospital. Sarah in Seychelles running out and about, abet the kids are off school.

Me confined to my place and doing work through the internet. Amazing what you can achieve.  Technology.  Think about it.  There I am sitting in West Africa talking and video conferencing guys in France, Germany, South Africa etc. Quite something. I image more of this is going to happen as  time goes on... In fact I suspect it will become the norm.

I decided on the first day to make and effort with some discipline.  Get up time and SHOWER.  Yes correct, not get up drink coffee, scratch myself and then turn on the TV. And maybe later in the day put some shorts on etc. Me in my wrap round towel not a pretty sight I can assure you.

The streets are almost empty and there is a strong wind.  Whats is really noticeable is how clean the air has become.  Street dust seems to have disappeared.

Its sunny and about 32Deg. So early morning swim is the way forward.  More a wallow and going  slowly up and down a couple of times but it does feels good. Followed by a shower etc and a simple breakfast. All before 7.30am. Then call family on Watts app.  Another great invention. Can even have three way conversations. Clever....

Then I have to turn to work, emails etc till round lunchtime. Have to try hard not to stop early for food. Always a temptation when it is in line of sight !!!!!

This I am telling myself is already turning into a good routine and I'm only on day 2.

Talking of time I'm due my afternoon tea. Another bigger temptation is to catch up with a colleague who lives in my building in a condo a couple of floors up.  Catch up is a euphemism for drinking cold beers and chatting !!!!

Is that him at the door ?  Must go.......

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