Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Saturday 9 February 2019

Ghana 41 Sunrise

The best part of the day.  Sunrise.

Makes one feel alive and ready to face the world....

I know evenings and late nights are great fun.  But.... to sit early morning with a coffee on my balcony and see the sun rise, even if it is over some dusty buildings.  Its a great feeling and is quite spectacular. They, the buildings are not really so dusty, its more what's in the air itself. Its that time of year. The Hamatan as its called and best described as  "a very dry, dusty easterly or north-easterly wind on the West African coast, occurring from December to February."

Its a sort of prolonged dust storm where the dust just hangs in the air. On a good day a few months back I could have seen the mountains in the distance but these next few months that will not be the case.

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