Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Ghana 19 New Drone

Just got a new Drone.  Last few disappeared into Condo buildings or just simply fell apart.

But this time I've got a good one.  Parrot Bebop 2 Power... Sounds good right.
Image result for parrot bebop 2 power photo
Now all I need to do is learn to fly it.  Unfortunately I also have to read the Manual.  I know RTFM  is a must.  This one is a way more expensive drone which translates in better reading of said manual before saying "Yes,  I know,  I'll be fine"  followed by BANG !!!!!!

So first tentative flight today.  Fish-eye lens but can do video and normal photos as well.  (Read that in the manual !!!!!!)

I plan to use it for work and general round and about stuff.  It has a  Return to Home mode which I can see myself using a lot. Unfortunately.......

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