Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Monday 8 June 2020

Ghana 66 Lock Down Over

Nearly at 10,000 persons. Reckon a lot more if the real count was given out, but you know so what ?   All getting a bit boring and tedious truth be told. Going to work, home, eating, few beers, sleep, going to work, home..............................

Sure I posted something like this a few weeks back. Well it ain't changed much since then. But decided to get out and about this morning. Had a drive along our pipeline routing and got held up by a farmer with his cows crossing the road.

He was taking his time letting them graze as they wondered over from one side to the other side of the road. Funny but those few minutes sitting in the car watching was a real welcome break from the general slog and monotony.  Lots of grass and various goodies for the cows. They seemed happy and so did he. Quite envied him in a way as he had plenty to do and not a care in the world. Sadly did not see my old trombone player from the other day which would have been an added bonus.


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