Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Nothing but bloody rain

We're in Seychelles but it is difficult to get excited.  We seem to have had nothing but rain more rain and strong winds. Well a few bits of sunshine as well but nothing to write home about.

We stayed on Mahe for a day or so then took on the ferry to La Digue.

Old local schooner

Jetty through truck window reflection

Wanna having quick beer

No swimming, could not be bothered to ride the bike in the rain. All sort of depressing in away. However all was not lost as we have time to catch up with friends and family. Rain does not make much difference  on that front.

La Digue was good.  We on arrival fed the birds, as we used to on all previous stays, and before a few minutes passed they were out to see us.  One sitting on Wanna bike seat ! Definitely cheered me that did !!!! In fact the little chap entered the house and we left some rice for him at the entrance.  I think if we stayed longer he would have moved in with us !!!!!

Little fella came to say hello
We had a few walks and noticed the jetty and small harbour were full of fishing boats and various tourist Cats. All interesting for a walk around. The big red Roro is the main vessel for bring cargo over to the islands. I'm sure in the next few years this will become much better organised and beneficial.

Town seemed quiet and out few trips out left us with empty roads and beaches. As I mentioned rain, rain and more rain......

I had earlier organised to get the house repainted and a good 70% got done. Always a concern when you are not there as to what exactly gets done. So all in all pleased with the result. We will be undertaking some major refurbishment works in October.  But first off we need to buy doors windows etc to be ready for the work. Seems never ending....

We have also accepted an assignment in Ghana planned to commence this Tuesday for a 3 month stint of work.  However that has been postponed due to delay in obtaining work permit etc.  So maybe Friday we will depart. But with the rain and winds I was even more keen to get on a plane and back to work !!!!!  Not my most cheerful post...... So be positive the next one can only be better and more upbeat.......