Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

House Warming

21st July was an auspicious day for a House Warming. We had not completed everything but we were running out of time as the next auspicious day was some months ahead.

The House warming can be undertaken in several ways. Either by inviting the local Monks to come and pray and bless the house, land spirits and wish for good luck to the new occupants. Or have a close relation or religious family friend come round. We chose the latter which apparently is more traditional in Issan. And so it was. First we visited our neighbours who also were having a house warming. That was at 07.30 am. We arrived to join the procession which walks round the house three times. People carrying ‘house’ gifts such as food, local pillows, bowls etc. Also a standard requirement are photos of the King and Queen as well and Buddha Images and various assorted regigious items. This is followed by the new occupants being greeted on entering, complete with foot wash etc. All very organized and everyone seems to know what to do. That is except for the ‘Falangs’ like me who had no idea and just followed the crowd. Once all this is completed then we all go in for a feed. Beer at 07.30 am makes you very drowsy.

Our ceremony was scheduled for 5.30 pm. First through was the preparation, mainly getting the house ready and of course preparing the food. The preparation is a major social event and everyone joins in. Well all the ladies anyway!!! All went well with the three rounds of the house. Followed by all of Wanna’s family and close friends turning up to enjoy and give best wishes. Great day. I did do a lot of video but could not really see a way to record it in a sufficiently compact size to upload to a Blog. Hope you enjoy the photos and that they give you some idea of what happened.

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