Very Good Quote

"Your assumptions are your windows to the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or light won't come in."

Saturday 8 February 2014

Atyrau Down to -28 Deg C

It’s been cold but you know what you adjust. Now find myself wearing legging and an additional vest etc. Also getting used to being well insulated. Makes life comfortable. A Russian chap in the office told me we have an expression “ its not bad weather but bad clothing that makes you feel cold” And he’s 100% right.
It’s been a bit of “groundhog day” day in day out, over the last few weeks. One day same as the next. Having Wanna here has made a major difference. Going home at lunchtime and so forth really breaks up the days. Also having become a Granddad has been a major milestone. 
But day to day stuff seems to consist of work and then sleep followed by the new day and more work and  then….  Well you know the repeats…

This weekend we plan to have a decent walk round different parts of  town as temperatures are forecast to rise to – 4Deg C. Makes for a comfortable and good temperature if you keep moving. And there is a lot t see if you make the effort. Photos to follow.

The Team L to R, Stephen, Wanna and Peter

Dressed ready for the cold....

Frozen River Middle of Atyrau

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